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The suggested ticket price is $75 per person. To make GATHER more accessible to all, we are offering an option for guests to pay what they choose. This can be more than $75 (to help support the attendance of others) or less. We just want the entire community with us, ready to celebrate Epiphany! To purchase 'Pay What You Wish' tickets, enter your ticket quantity, then enter your preferred price at the bottom of the page. 'Pay What You Wish' tickets could be $0 or $1000—or any amount in between (and above). You also have the option to sponsor a Faculty / Staff Member (and their guest). This helps us make it a true community event by including the most special members of our school while ensuring the money raised at GATHER 2020 supports Financial Aid at Epiphany School.
We look forward to seeing you at GATHER 2020 on March 27, 2020!
Thank you to our sponsors:
Brown & Brown Insurance • J.A.S. DesignBuild • PayNorthwest